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Writer's pictureDr. Anthony Lilles

Advent's Light

The Beloved of the Father is coming to share His joy with you, a fullness of life that not even death can contain. Enslaved by the banality of the work-a-day world, our Deliverer did not create us to be in bondage to material pursuits. Calling us out of the exile of sin, He offers freedom from ignoble relationships or selfish insobriety. Oppressed, we have been weighed down by sorrows that no one was ever meant to carry. Now, He runs to us to make our burden light. He advances to bring us home, sons and daughters of His Father, by the very glory of Heaven.

The Mighty God draws near and it is no time to be timid but to lay hold of the promises made to us. The Sun of Righteous rises up in splendor, it is time to open the windows of our hearts to the radiance that justifies us. Our Champion will be delayed no longer: now is the time to rid ourselves of anything that stands in the way of God. Myriads of messengers go before Him to stir us out of our sluggishness and to encourage us on our way. If we once fed on fleshpots that cannot nourish freedom, now He is ready to feed us with Manna from Heaven. The Word of the Father beckons us in the innermost sanctuary of our very being. The anxieties of the moment do not deserve our allegiance. The concerns of the day are not worthy of our worship. Let our ears be attentive to His Wisdom. Let us make straight the pathway by reconciling with those whom you have offended. Let us knock down all prideful thoughts and fill in every bitter valley with forgiveness. The One who comes for us declares, "Do not fear to confess your sins and to do penance out of love for what I have done for you. Dark voids and difficult inadequacies do not have the last word. For Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it."

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